Bolivarian Government will reactivate Villa de Cura Mother Plant

In a visit to the state of Aragua, Jorge Arreaza, People’s Power Minister for Industries and National Production, supervised this Wednesday the Villa de Cura Mother Plant, a project conceived as a food processing equipment factory that the Venezuelan Industries Corporation (Corpivensa) will reactivate soon.

The technical inspection was favorable for the minister to verify the capacity installed in this vast infrastructure and together with the managers and workers, to evaluate the logistic knots given its start-up.

“In weeks, we will be manufacturing production lines, designing, recovering, and replacing thousands of parts,” announced the head of the industrial portfolio in a message posted on his Twitter account @jaarreaza.

The Villa de Cura Mother Plant is undergoing a fine-tuning process, initiated in this second quarter and framed in the plan of beautification and improvement of the infrastructure processes.

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