National Government plans to expand SIDOR’s productive capacities

People’s Power Minister of Industries and National Production, Jose Biomorgi, and of Social Labor Process, Jose Ramon Rivero, held a meeting this Thursday with the spokesmen of the six Workers’ Productive Councils (CPTT) of Siderurgica del Orinoco “Alfredo Maneiro” (SIDOR), in Bolivar State.

At the assembly, also attended by the Governor of Bolivar, Angel Marcano, SIDOR’s working-class presented a balance sheet on the progress they have made from the organization’s point of view, which has allowed the start-up of new productive spaces in the country’s primary steel mill.

Currently, SIDOR has 14 plants in operation. We can foresee the next start-up of the hot rolling plant; Which serves the development of the entire metallurgical industry at the national level.

Minister Jose Biomorgi emphasized: “We cannot leave aside that Basic companies constitute a fundamental motor for the impulse and the economic recovery. The Basic companies of Guayana supply the raw material for all the transforming industries that then go towards the Construction Engine, towards the pharmaceutical sector, towards the agro-food sector.”

The head of the industrial office recalled the structural damages suffered by these productive spaces as a result of the electrical sabotage of 2019. It also emphasized the workers’ efforts to recover the productive capacity of the steel company in different areas.

“We will be making more and more progress in the recovery of our productive capacities, always hand in hand with the working class that has taken ownership of the productive processes,” he assured.

Minister Biomorgi said that the Basic enterprises of Guayana constitute the engine that drives the economy of various industrial sectors of the country.

“From the Ministry of Industries, from the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), we tell all the sectors that they can count on all the raw material required by the country. We will be having more and more of the necessary raw material to boost the productive processes,” he added.

Committed working class

Minister Jose Ramon Rivero, for his part, highlighted the commitment of the working class to continue leveraging national production in a holistic vision.

“There is a guarantee of the national industry concerning Sidor’s productive capacities. We see ourselves as a single working-class to leverage the rest of the national industry in the economic recovery of 2022,” he indicated.

The recovery of SIDOR’s productive capacities goes hand in hand with the new socialist business management model.

Governor Angel Marcano considers that this is a successful model in the hands of the working class. “SIDOR has started up 14 plants that are in operations. It is all an effort of the working class, of the Bolivarian Government”, he inferred.

In the words of the regional president, the industrial park of Guayana represents “the non-oil economic alternative for Venezuela, the diversification of the economy.”

Also, Vice-Minister of Basic Companies and President of CVG, Pedro Maldonado, attended the assembly with the spokespersons of the CPTTs of SIDOR.

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