Venezuelan Scientific-Technological Pole seeks to articulate innovations in priority areas for the country’s development

The purpose of creating the Venezuelan Scientific-Technological Pole is to articulate innovations in priority areas, defined in the needs for development related to health, food, telecommunications, energy, oil, and engineering in the country.

People’s Power Minister for Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, explained this during the new working day headed by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas.

“This needs then that we organize, just as in the Presidential Scientific Council, the priority areas that are defined in the needs as it has been in health, food, telecommunications, energies, Petroleum, engineering and process,” she stressed.

Regarding the university sector, Minister Jimenez stated that 23 research centers are part of the Ministry. She also added that the Venezuelan Institute of Technology for Petroleum (Intevep), attached to the state-owned company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), is also present. As well as the Venezuelan Institute of Technology for Petroleum (Intevep), ascribed to the state-owned company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). (PDVSA), as well as the National Institute of Agricultural Research (Inia), which belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture and Productive Lands.

He also added that they have research centers attached to the universities, and “there is an average of more than 5 thousand actors of the National System of Science and Technology in which the lines of research are defined in the priority areas and the Executive Development Plan of the Nation”.

He affirmed that the experiences of the mentioned instances are part of the organization of the Scientific-Technological Pole, which seeks to add and group the technical-productive capacities of knowledge to generate methodology according to the needs.

“There is a gallery of financed projects during the fiscal year, thanks to the approval of resources through the Organic Law of Sciences and Technologies. This regulation allows us to attend the strategic areas of communications, food, health, and above all to stimulate the scientific community to continue creating and innovating”, he pointed out.

Press VTV

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