The People’s Power Minister of Industries and National Production, Jose Biomorgi, was present on the state channel TVES, Logros de la Patria. He talked about the progress made within the national plan for industrialization and the country’s economic recovery. It includes the reactivation of around 100 companies dedicated to transforming raw materials into finished products.
In the television program, Minister Biomorgi indicated that within the framework of the national industrialization and production plan and Venezuela’s economic recovery, there were relevant achievements in terms of industrial chaining.
The head of the industrial portfolio informed that “it has been the key for the recovery of the productive sector. The substitution of imports where we have come with a two-line plan. The first one is the substitution of lines and parts taking into account the experience of the working class that has been empowering itself and thanks to the need we have developed our capacities to recover and intervene the equipment involved in the productive processes.”
On the other hand, he pointed out the achievement of the substitution of raw materials previously imported with high-quality Venezuelan inputs.
The Minister recalled that “in the 20th century, all our processes anchored to Europe and the United States’s technology. This generated trauma in the productive processes; by not doing maintenance on time. You have to stretch the useful life, and caused structural failures that forced us to stop production added to the electrical sabotage”.
Concerning the support provided by the Ministry of Industries to small and medium-sized companies, he indicated that there is currently a plan for the production of tinplate through the cold-rolling process. This plan will benefit the food, packaging, industrial, and automotive sectors; and contribute to the export of Venezuelan materials abroad.
“This is a primary sector that can leverage the processes of the small and medium industry. Not only for companies associated with the Ministry of Industries but also for the private sector that will benefit from our starting up these processes.”
The head of the industrial portfolio highlighted the importance of the working class for the recovery and shielding of productive spaces. “There are spaces that were without production and are intact. Preserved because the working class stayed, resisted, convinced that this space was theirs. As it was a creation of Commander Chavez, they were going to take care of it.”