To the great satisfaction of the working class of the Basic enterprises of the country, the People’s Power Minister of Industry and National Production, Juan Arias Palacio, traveled from Caracas to the city of Guayana to march with his class brothers and sisters in an extensive tour from the CVG Bauxilum (La Piña). He spoke to the working people, together with union leaders, regional authorities, and directors of the State companies, on the occasion of the multiple events called by President Nicolas Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela to commemorate Workers’ Day.
In his speech, Minister Arias specified that “the primary mission of the Guayana working class is to continue advancing in the recovery of all the basic companies, a fundamental engine of the national economy.” For this purpose, he called for the unity of all the labor forces “who have shown that together we can resist and overcome the damages caused by the economic war against Venezuela.” He also proposed to advance having as a strategic line of action a “doctrine of Permanent Popular Productive Peace,” founded on the high morale and the workers’ patriotic conscience.
“Peace, because the labor and political peace of the homeland is fundamental to keep our factories on and without stoppages and disturbances because the contrary only favors our enemies. Productivity, because we must be ever more efficient to generate greater wealth. Popular. Because we must distribute wealth among all the working people through fair and just incomes, better goods, public services, and cultural offerings. And permanent, because we must try to maintain these conditions of productive peace for the people forever”, explained Minister Arias. Finally, amidst applauses of support and recognition, he ratified his unity with the working class: “I am with you. We are going to build a productive Venezuela, governing together.”
The Governor of the State of Bolivar, Angel Marcano, also reiterated his commitment: “President Maduro, here you have a Governor, a working-class, and Minister Juan Arias, who will fight until we achieve the necessary impulse to continue strengthening our basic companies.” Meanwhile, Arquimedes Hidalgo, president of Aluminio del Caroní S.A. (ALCASA), encouraged the workers to continue working for the company. (ALCASA) encouraged to “build new methods of dialogue between the government and the working class, without denying the role of the unions and collective bargaining, to advance towards real wages, reviewing food, health, education, recreation, and housing policies.”
Likewise, the territorial vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, highlighted the consciousness of the working class to continue maintaining the country’s political power, beyond 2024, through the leadership of the Worker President, Nicolas Maduro Moros.
In the heat of the emotional day, in which most of the productive sectors of the region were present, Fanny Pinto, a worker of SIDOR expressed her great satisfaction. “Today, I feel happy because we commemorate a special day for us, the workers, and even more because our Minister Juan Arias walked with us.”